AMICO Protocol V2

Protocol introduction

The new protocol AMICO V2 introduce the concept of Active Message (AM). It is a new technology to improve the performance of thread/process communications.
There are two kind of process communications:

In AMICO2 the Active Message is a mix of the two technologies able of join the benefits and reduce the disadvantages.

        ___________________________      __________________
       |                           |    |                  |
       |          Process          |    |      Process     |
       |  ______           ______  |    |                  |
       | |      |         |      | |    |                  |
       | |  Th  |         |  Th  | |    |                  |
       | |      |         |      | |    |                  |
       |_|______|_________|______|_|    |__________________|
             |                |                  |
             |AM              |AM                |AM
   |  _______|_______   ______|________   _______|_______      |
   | |               | |               | |               |     |
   | |   AMICO_Link  | |   AMICO_Link  | |   AMICO_Link  |     |
   | |_______________| |_______________| |_______________|     |
   |         |                |                  |             |
   |         |                |                  |             |
   |         |----------------'                  |             |
   |         |  Memory-to-Memory                 |             |
   |         |                                   |             |
   |         |               Socket              |             |
   |         '-----------------------------------'             |
   |                         AMICO2                            |

The Active Message

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