- AMICO protocol V.2: New AMICO protocol version with ACTIVE MESSAGES engine. More efficent and faster!
- Standard X3D: Implemented X3D ISO standard (ISO/IEC 19775-1:2008) to manage dynamic graphics 2D/3D with XML files.
- Remote debugging: Added class APDebugger for trasparent remote debugging of applications on target

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CarLino is an application written in C++ for AutoMotive embedded system.

CarLinO is a new core process (replaces the init SystemV) to launch and to control all others processes in specific GNU/Linux distributions with constraints very hard in term of CPU usage and memory allocation as required in embedded system AutoMotive. It allow the organization of processes sequence startup and reduce the init boot time.

CarLinO provides a robust and efficient inter process communication (AutoMotive InterCommunication Object - AMICO), used for implement IPC/RPC comunication between processes. AMICO provides a communication trasparent protocol to the applications using portable POSIX infrastructure.

CarLinO provides a graphic manager to support HMI (Human Machine Interface) applications. It allow integration between different technologies like X windows and OpenGL. CarLinO implements all window manager functions to support the graphic applications.

CarLinO is a C++ application distribuited under GPL v2 license.